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Fishers of Men

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Fishers of Men

When we recognize that Jesus came for the lost and broken, and when we recognize who He is and what He’s done for us, our only reasonable response is to give our whole lives to Him and His mission; to make disciples of all nations, to do whatever it takes to carry burdens, and overcome obstacles to get people to Jesus, and to become fishers of men.    

Fishers of Men // No Other Name

Pastor Rob Rogers | September 8, 2024

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Why is it that we’re not more courageous in sharing our faith with others? What’s keeping us from speaking up about Jesus? If we want to grow in our boldness and willingness to share our faith with others, we must 1) Be with Jesus and 2) Ask for courage.

Fishers of Men // Share Your Story

Pastor Rob Rogers | September 1, 2024

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We’ve all experienced the grace of God, and sharing our story has the power to change lives! Even though we might be timid about sharing our story when the doors open to conversations about our faith, let’s step out of the boat and trust the Holy Spirit to guide us in those moments.

Fishers of Men // Serve Others

Pastor Rob Rogers | August 25, 2024

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We serve others because God served us! He laid down His life for us before we knew Him or even believed in Him. By serving the people around us, we are building an incredible relational bridge that God uses to open the door to conversations about Jesus.

Fishers of Men // Eat Some Meals

Pastor Jimmy Harris | August 18, 2024

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What would happen if we prioritized loving our neighbors in the same way that Jesus modeled? If we take ownership and personal responsibility to “love our neighbors as ourselves” by breaking bread with those in our community, it will open doors for Biblical conversations and remove obstacles so that people far from God can come to know Him.

Fishers of Men // Listen Well

Pastor Jimmy Harris | August 11, 2024

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How do we fish for men? Jesus alone can give us a perfect picture of how to navigate difficult conversation with people in a way that shows the love of God to a hurting and broken world.

Fishers of Men // Begin with Prayer

Pastor Rob Rogers | August 4, 2024

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We can love the lost, serve, be a blessing, carry burdens, and overcome obstacles, but we must start with prayer because God is ultimately the only one who can change the human heart! So, we follow Jesus’ example in Acts by praying for open eyes, open doors, and open hearts.

Fishers of Men // Going Fishing

Pastor Rob Rogers | July 28, 2024

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This week, Pastor Rob kicked off our Fishers of Men series. When we recognize that Jesus came for the lost and broken, and when we recognize who He is and what He’s done for us, our only reasonable response is to give our whole lives to Him and His mission; to make disciples of all nations, to do whatever it takes to carry burdens, and overcome obstacles to get people to Jesus, and to become fishers of men.
