Disciplines of a Disciple // Biblical Community, Part 2
This morning Pastor Rob talked about the disciplines of hospitality and confession and the importance of incorporating them into our lives.
Recognizing that it was our sin that put Jesus on the cross and that He bore the wrath of God on Himself so that we could be freed, chosen, given new life, and welcomed into His family, compels us to confess our sins, and to biblical hospitality by welcoming people into our lives and treating them as family.
All hospitality costs something, but the hospitality of Jesus cost Him everything. He gladly laid it down for us. Let that truth sink in and motivate you to do for others what He first did for you.
Disciplines of a Disciple // Kingdom Stewardship, Part 2
Pastor Rob Rogers | October 16, 2022
Disciplines of a Disciple // Kingdom Stewardship, Part 1
Pastor Rob Rogers | October 9, 2022
Disciplines of a Disciple // Missional Living
Pastor David Green | September 25, 2022
Disciplines of a Disciple // Biblical Community, Part 1
Pastor Jimmy Harris | September 11, 2022
Disciplines of a Disciple // Private Devotion, Part 2
Pastor Rob Rogers | September 4, 2022
Disciplines of a Disciple // Private Devotion, Part 1
Pastor Rob Rogers | August 28, 2022
Disciplines of a Disciple // An Invitation to Life
Pastor Rob Rogers | August 21, 2022