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Our Core Team is made up of those committed to our church body.

Those who have made the commitment to following Christ and to Grace Chapel as their home church have signed the Discipleship Covenant. This is like church membership but allows for more than just belonging to a building. We are committing to do life together, to support each other and to grow together as people and as a church body. If you are ready to become a Core Team member, we would love for you to do so below.



What is it?

The Core Team are essentially the members of Grace Chapel. Core Team members have made a commitment to following Christ and investing in Grace Chapel as their church home. The Discipleship Covenant defines our intentional core missional living practices; Private Devotion, Biblical Community, Missional Living and Kingdom Stewardship. Signing this covenant is to help you focus on your journey with God and others.


What Does it Mean?
What if I don't want to sign?

Disciplines of a Disciple

In our desire to follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and live on mission with Jesus, the Grace Chapel family is committed to practicing and growing in the spiritual disciplines within the categories of Private Devotion, Biblical Community, Missional Living, and Kingdom Stewardship.
