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Enjoying God

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Enjoying God

Since the late 17th century, the practices of the church have been relegated to knowledge, education, study, academia, and a set of systematic beliefs that we’re to adhere to. Over time, these things have become the markers of Christianity. Christianity isn’t just a set of beliefs that we’re supposed to adhere to but a lifestyle we’re invited to follow.

God isn’t just an impersonal distant being that created the cosmos and everything within it, but He’s deeply personal, unbelievably relational, and He’s created us to enjoy Him forever! Throughout this series on prayer, learning to enjoy God is the goal, prayer is simply the means.

Enjoying God // The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

Pastor Rob Rogers | November 12, 2023

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This morning Pastor Rob wrapped up the Enjoying God series of walking through the Lord’s Prayer with teaching on The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory. This is a reminder that God is in control, and it is an invitation to rest in God, enjoy Him, and to trust Him completely no matter what the outcome. When you bring your requests to God, put all of your hope in Him and Him alone because His is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.

Enjoying God // Lead Us + Deliver Us

Pastor Rob Rogers | November 5, 2023

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As followers of Jesus, we all have an enemy that is always planning and scheming to destroy the good work that God wants to accomplish in us and through us. While we can’t avoid hardship or challenges in life, we can be prepared to overcome the enemy’s temptations by expecting to be tested, preparing in advance, and predetermining our limits.

Enjoying God // Forgive Us Our Debts

Pastor Jimmy Harris | October 29, 2023

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This morning, Pastor Jimmy spoke on the importance of forgiveness, the dangers of unforgiveness, and the practice of forgiving. The purpose of forgiveness is to create a community that is full of grace, where imperfect people live together, overflowing with God’s love.

Enjoying God // Daily Bread

Pastor Rob Rogers | October 15, 2023

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Last week we talked about being bold in prayer, and this week Pastor Rob shared with us the importance of being persistent in prayer. There are things that happen when we pray that wouldn’t happen if we didn’t. Jesus invites us to relentlessly bring our requests to the Father with a childlike audacity – like a child pestering their parent, we are to ask, and ask, and ask until we get what we’re asking for. If you have been asking for a long time and have grown weary, God’s invitation for you today is to ask again, seek again, knock again, and continue to do so until you get an answer.

Enjoying God // On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Pastor Rob Rogers | October 8, 2023

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By teaching us to pray “on earth as it is in heaven”, Jesus extends an invitation for us to pray prayers that change earthly realities by finding broken things of this world and praying Heaven into those situations with boldness. We tend to pray vague, general, and safe prayers because we don’t want to be disappointed by God. If we get specific there is potential to be disappointed by God if He says no, but we’ll also never see the power of God as long as we pray vague prayers. Start praying bold, specific prayers that have power to move mountains!

Enjoying God // Your Will Be Done

Pastor Rob Rogers | October 1, 2023

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God cares about our desires, and He wants us to express them to Him, but when we pray “Your will be done”, we are choosing to trust and submit to God because we believe that what He has planned for us is far better than anything we could come up with on our own.

Enjoying God // Your Kingdom Come

Pastor Rob Rogers | September 24, 2023

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This morning Pastor Rob reminded us that the Kingdom of God is not just in heaven, but right here in our midst! When we pray “Your Kingdom come” from Matthew 6, it means we are desiring others to experience the Kingdom of God and for us to be more present in it. It also means we’re clinging to the incredible hope that no matter what our circumstances look like right now, one day the One True King will return, His kingdom will be fully established, and there will be no more tears, no more suffering, no more hate, no more division, no more injustice, and no more heartache.

Enjoying God // Hallowed Be Your Name

Pastor Rob Rogers | September 17, 2023

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Hallowing the name of God is about recognizing and honoring the greatness, power, holiness, and majesty of God. However, Jesus didn’t tell us to hallow the name of God for God’s benefit – it’s for ours. As humans we were made to worship, and because of this, everyone hallows something, but the only way we ever find peace and rest for our souls is if we hallow God. Praying this way is a reminder to ourselves that God alone is holy, distinct, set apart, the One all of our love and worship must be set upon.

Enjoying God // Our Father

Pastor Rob Rogers | September 10, 2023

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In Jesus’ model prayer, He teaches us to start with “Our Father” because not only does this change how we think of God, it radically changes how we think of ourselves. It’s not only a reminder of who God is, it reminds us of who we are. God invites us to address Him as our Father. Our prayers aren’t heard because of rhetoric, ritual, or religion; our prayers are heard because of relationship.

Today, go to God as your Father and be His child. Remember who He is, who you are, and who we are to one another as you pray “Our Father.”

Enjoying God // Teach Us to Pray

Pastor Rob Rogers | September 3, 2023

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This morning Pastor Rob broke down the passage in Matthew 6 that we know as the Lord’s Prayer into six themes, each of which we will be diving deeper into in the coming weeks of the series. Whether you’re new to prayer or you consider yourself a prayer expert, grab 5 or 10 minutes this week with your Bible in a quiet place where you won’t be distracted or interrupted, and work your way through the Lord’s Prayer. As you invite God to teach you to pray, as you learn to be with Him and enjoy Him, prayer will eventually no longer be a discipline, but a delight that you cannot go without. Prayer isn’t a formula, it’s a relationship that changes us.

Enjoying God // Why Pray?

Pastor Rob Rogers | August 27, 2023

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This morning Pastor Rob kicked off the Enjoying God series on prayer with the obstacles of prayer, the purpose of prayer, and the practice of prayer. God is deeply personal and relational, and He’s created us to enjoy Him forever! We can’t enjoy someone we are not in relationship with, and we can’t be in relationship with someone we never communicate with. Prayer is our primary connection point with God and it is our means by which we get to enjoy Him.
