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Faith That Works

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Faith That Works

The book of James is probably the most practical and direct letters of the New Testament. What James goes after in this book is a “Faith that doesn’t just work in us, but a faith that gets to work,”

Faith That Works // Prayers That Matter

Pastor Rob Rogers | July 21, 2024

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This morning, Pastor Rob ended our Faith that Works series by preaching on James 5:13-20 and answering questions like: What is the prayer of faith? Does the prayer of faith guarantee healing? Why do we use anointing oil?

Faith That Works // Patience in Suffering

Pastor Jimmy Harris | July 14, 2024

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In James 5:7-12, James gives three examples of how to patiently wait for the coming of the Lord: The endurance of a farmer, the long suffering of the prophets, and the perseverance of Job.

Faith That Works // Freed From Greed

Pastor Rob Rogers | June 30, 2024

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In James 5:1-6, James warns against greed because it leads to hoarding, self-indulgence, and injustice. But the antidote to greed is intentional financial generosity.

Faith That Works // Our Plans; God's Providence

Pastor Rob Rogers | June 23, 2024

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In James 4:13-17, James says that human life is like a mist, here for a moment and gone the next. Knowing this, how do we approach the future? By trusting in the providence of God.

Faith That Works // War and Submission

Pastor Dave Buehring | June 16, 2024

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Today, Pastor Dave Buehring preached on James 4:1-12. In this passage, James is addressing Jewish believers on the war within themselves, their friendship with the world, and the importance of submitting to God.

Faith That Works // Wisdom From Above

Pastor Rob Rogers | June 9, 2024

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In James 3:13-18, James tells us there are two types of wisdom: heavenly wisdom and worldly wisdom. Wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy, fruitful, impartial, and sincere, and God invites us to pursue it!

Faith That Works // Watch Your Words

Pastor Rob Rogers | June 2, 2024

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Our words have power. They can build others up or tear them down. James 3:1-12 warns us that the tongue cannot be tamed, so how do we watch our words? It’s a matter of the heart.

Faith That Works // A Genuine Faith

Pastor Rob Rogers | May 19, 2024

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In James 2:14-26, we see that there are three different types of faith: dead, detached, and devoted. It is only when we see and experience the love of God for ourselves that we will be compelled to devoted faith, not out of self-preservation but out of gratitude.

Faith That Works // Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement

Pastor Jimmy Harris | May 12, 2024

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God does not ask us to be the Judge. He is not asking the Church to be his Jury. There is no room for partiality in the family of God. We are all guilty and Christ stands as our defender, offering himself in our place. That is Jesus. That’s how Mercy Triumphs over judgment!

Faith That Works // Do What it Says

Pastor Rob Rogers | May 5, 2024

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Like a fish that is only free in water, we are only truly free to the degree that we refuse to compromise, live in alignment with his Word, and obey Him in all things. There is a difference between hearing and doing. We are called to put the bible into practice.

Faith that Works // The Tale of Three Men

Pastor Dylan Dawkins | April 28, 2024

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James illustrates through the tales of three men how we can react in the face of our circumstances.  We can be a people who remain steadfast under trial if we cling to Jesus because He remains steadfast. When we avoid suffering, we avoid the opportunity to look like Jesus. Our lives are meant to be a constant submission into the hands of our Creator, like gold in the hands of the Refiner.

Faith that Works // Without Doubt

Pastor Rob Rogers | April 21, 2024

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This first sermon of this new Faith That Works series specifically addresses the testing of your faith, the purpose of trials, and trusting without doubt. The book of James goes after a “Faith that doesn’t just work in us, but a faith that gets to work”. 
