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Valleys | Finding Hope in Life’s Hardest Moments

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Valleys | Finding Hope in Life’s Hardest Moments

If you’ve ever wondered where God is in the lowest, hardest moments of life, in the Valleys of life, this series is for you. Over the next 8 weeks, we’re going to be walking through the life of Joseph. Joseph had a rough life and endured some of the worst things a human can go through, and yet at the end of his life, he wass not angry, resentful, or bitter towards God.

VALLEYS | Finding Hope in Life’s Hardest Moments // Beyond Forgiveness

Pastor Rob Rogers | March 3, 2024

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Joseph has been changed by life and changed by God, and his brothers are standing right in front of him and they even don’t recognize him. Down in the valley, we can’t see the complexity of life. Only when we view life from the peak can we actually see what it means when Joseph said to his brothers, “What you meant for evil, God means for good.”  It is only when you get off God’s throne, and Gain God’s Perspective will we ever be able to come close to moving beyond forgiveness.

VALLEYS | Finding Hope in Life’s Hardest Moments // Trusted With Much

Pastor Rob Rogers | February 25, 2024

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We have been following the story of how God humbled Joseph, then God exalted him, and now all of the Egyptian empire is bowing before him. Joseph was faithful with little, now he’s been trusted with much. God frequently uses seemingly unimportant, uncomfortable and unexpected events and people as catalysts for significant transitions in life. You couldn’t see it at the time, but you’re not the same person today as you once were. God was with you and he’s producing something in you that is going to provide hope and life to those around you.

VALLEYS | Finding Hope in Life’s Hardest Moments // Faithful in Little

Pastor Rob Rogers | February 18, 2024

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God wants to teach us through the life of Joseph, how to respond when we’re walking through the valleys of life. Valleys of life expose what was there all along and if we focus only on the end of a hardship then we may miss what God is doing through those trying times. If you’re just waiting for the current season to be over, you can’t be faithful NOW because you’re only thinking about THEN! God is preparing you and orchestrating the details of your life that will eventually lead you to His promise over your life.

Valleys | Finding Hope in Life's Hardest Moments // Three Temptations

Pastor Rob Rogers | February 11, 2024

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As humans, we all face the temptations of power, pleasure, and pain. In the story of Joseph’s life, we see all three of these temptations and the character building that God grows in him throughout his life’s complicated circumstances. If you’re struggling with temptation today, don’t give in or fall into despair. God is with you in your situation, and just like he did with Joseph, He will give you a way to succeed.

Valleys | Finding Hope in Life’s Hardest Moments // In the Pit

Pastor Rob Rogers | February 4, 2024

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When we’re experiencing unfortunate circumstances or heartache, we want God to just show up and make it all better, but often times, God will use the lowest moments of our lives to bring about the greatest good. In Joseph’s story, God could have just rescued him from the pit his brothers threw him in, but instead, we see that God used the pit to save Joseph from his arrogance and to deliver him from the pride that was destroying his life. All throughout the story of Joseph, we see a God that continually takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it around for good.

Valleys | Finding Hope in Life’s Hardest Moments // Roots – Part 1

Pastor Rob Rogers | January 28, 2024

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This morning, Pastor Rob kicked off the Valleys series, where over the next 8 weeks we will walk through the story of the life of Joseph. The purpose of stories like Joseph’s are not to show us how we need to get our act together, try harder, or be better. Rather, the purpose of a story like Joseph’s is to show us that at every point, even in the darkest moments, in the valleys of life where God is seemingly absent and we’re convinced that there is absolutely no hope of redemption, God’s grace breaks in and He rescues us from the nightmares of our own making.
